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Opera cUSD – Get Free 2 cUSD Daily On Opera Wallet

Recently, Opera launched a Crypto Wallet which rewards new user with $3 Celo per registration. The giveaway ends around December 2022 but another round is back rewarding users with 2 celo USD (cUSD).

This giveaway is only available to Opera browser users located in the following countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda. Participant must be a new Opera Wallet user to get the Bonus.

4,310 cUSD Daily from 2/03/2023 until 31/03/2023 to be distributed amongst the first 1948 new Opera Wallet users that created their wallets. Each user eligible for the airdrop will receive 2 cUSD.

All you need to do is register with your Mobile Number, Connect it to Opera Wallet to receive the reward. Without wasting much time, let’s go into details…

Opera cUSD - Get Free 2 cUSD Daily On Opera Wallet

How to get free 2 Opera cUSD (N1,400) from Opera Wallet

Open your Opera Mini browser, tap on the Opera Icon at the buttom right corner of the browser then Select Crypto Wallet. After that, Click on Add to add the Crypto Wallet to your Opera Mini browser.

NOTE: Wait till 12am everyday before you continue the below procedures else you won’t get any bonus. Ensure you wait for my go ahead on Telegram, WhatsApp or Web Notification. If am not online around that time, you can try it out without waiting for my Go Ahead.

The link you are about to copy should be opened with your Opera Browser. Click Here to copy the Opera Airdrop link then paste it on Opera Mini browser after adding wallet. On the Giveaway page, scroll down and tap on Giveaway.

Click on Create New Wallet, set password and backup the wallet to Google Drive. The next step is to claim your registration bonus.

To claim your 2 cUSD registration bonus, scroll down and tap on Connect Opera Wallet. Click on confirm, apply your fingerprint then enter your mobile number and verify otp.

Immediately after verifying your number, $2 cUSD will be added into your Opera Crypto Wallet. To access your Crypto, you can tap on Opera Icon at the buttom right corner of the browser then select Crypto Wallet.

How To Accumulate more Opera cUSD on Opera Wallet

To accumulate more cUSD, all you need is multiple Phone numbers. Firstly, you have to create once cUSD Wallet as your main account with mail as the backup option.

After that, Sign out of the Opera Wallet. Once done, copy the airdrop link and paste on browser then create new wallet and complete phone number verification pasrt. Claim the bonus then transfer the cUSD to your main account.

If you encounter phone number verification error during registration, you can check below heading on how to fix it.

How to Fix Opera Wallet Number Verification error

This has been a recurring issue for mostly everyone trying to pass the number verification part on Opera. Thou, the main cause of the issue is unknown but there are ways to get pass it.

  • it’s preferably you use Airtel Network to browse, you can use any network for phone number verification which has not been used before for verification part.
  • Clear your Opera browser cache (if you don’t know how to clear apk cache, search how to on YouTube).
Opera cUSD - Get Free 2 cUSD Daily On Opera Wallet
  • After that, turn off your Opera Data Saving then paste the Opera Airdrop Link and create a wallet.

NOTE: For your main account (your main number), make sure you use mail as backup then for the other account, you can select Backup manually and screenshot the code.

  • When it gets to the number verification part, turn on & off Airplane mode then input the number and complete verification.

NOTE: Type the OTP don’t Paste. If you encounter an error when trying to get OTP saying (Sorry, you are not eligible to join the event), just apply Airplane mode again.

  • Once you have claimed your Celo, you can transfer it to your main account immediately or withdraw it to any KUCOIN.

To accumulate more cUSD with different number, click on settings at the top right corner of Opera Wallet page then tap Sign out from wallet. You don’t have to clear cache again.

Tap Create new wallet after Signing out successfully then set password and backup manually. Once done, copy the airdrop link and paste on browser to complete phone number verification part. You can as well paste the Airdrop Link directly in your Opera Browser after Signing out of wallet.

I hope this work for you, if you have anything to add up to the above information, please drop a comment.

How to Withdraw Opera cUSD to your Crypto Wallet & Convert to Naira

If you were Chanced to be among the first 1,948 members to share $4,800 celo, you can withdraw your Celo into Kucoin Crypto Wallet apk. Create account on Kucoin and verify your details.

Go to Main Under Asset Icon at the buttom right corner of the apk then search for cUSD. Click on it and tap Deposit, select CELO as Network then copy the Wallet address.

Head on to your Opera Wallet by tapping Opera Icon at the buttom right corner of the browser. Tap on Crypto Wallet then swipe to the last Crypto wallet which is Celo Chain.

Click on Send, enter your cUSD Wallet address copied from Kucoin Wallet. Input the amount of cUSD (if you have 2 cUSD, enter 1.99) then complete withdrawal.

Once received, open your Kucoin Wallet. Go to Main under Asset, tap on cUSD and click on Transfer. Enter $5 below or tap All then click on Confirm. The 2 cUSD under Main Account will be moved to Trading Account.

Under Trading Account, tap on Convert to KCS then select cUSD and click on Confirm. The cUSD will be converted to Kucoin Coin (KCS) then you can click on KCS and convert it to USD.

NOTE: The minimum cUSD you can convert to KCS daily is 5 cUSD below. If the cUSD under your trading account is more than 5, the option to Convert to KCS won’t be displayed.

From there, you can sell the USDT via Kucoin P2P or withdraw to other Crypto Wallet you are familiar with. If you found this helpful, do share with friends and family using below button…

Opera cUSD - Get Free 2 cUSD Daily On Opera Wallet

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Warning âš 


Hardeywarlex is a certified Tech Expert: Web Developer, pro-blogger, Graphics Designer, and also an expert in CAD Software, His love for blogging freebies for his followers is extraordinary.

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